Common Names: Alfalfa, Lucerne, Luzerne
Alfalfa is a perennial herbaceous legume. Due to its high nutritional quality, high yields and high adaptability, A major source of protein for livestock, Alfalfa is mainly used as animal fodder. It is usually cultivated for hay. Alfalfa living from three to five years, depending on variety and climate.
Common Names: Persian Clover, Shaftal
Resupinatum clover is nutritious forage, rich in protein and minerals. Resupinatum clover is mostly used for fodder hay. It has high protein. It is cultivated in the Asia and Europe.
Common Names: Berseem, Egyptian clover
Berseem is an annual, sparsely hairy, erect forage legume. Berseem is a fast growing, high quality forage that is mainly cut and fed as green chopped forage. Berseem does not well under hot summer conditions; it is mainly valued as a winter crop in the subtropics as it has good growth in mild winter and good recovery after cutting.
Sesbania is a fast growing perennial, evergreen legume tree, Sesbania is a valued fodder. If the trees are cut back to a suitable height, a large supply of fresh fodder.
Sorghum is a genus of numerous species of grasses. Some of which are raised for grain and many of which are used as fodder plants either cultivated as part of pasture. Sorghum is one of the five top cereal crops in the world.
Yellow Maize is a major staple food throughout the world. Yellow Maize used as feedstuff, and can be feed whole to livestock. Maize used as much food (grain, flour, syrup, oil…) and non-food usages (cosmetics, adhesives, paints, varnishes) for the maize grain and its derivatives (starch and oil).
Barley is one of the cereal crops Barley is a major animal feed crop with smaller amounts used for malting and in health food. It is a member of the grass family, Barley ranked fourth in quantity produced and in area of cultivation of cereal crops in the World.
Guar also known as cluster bean, Guar is an annual legume crop that provide a natural source of hydrocolloid .Guar beans have a large endosperm that contains galactomannon gum, a substance which forms a gel in water. This is commonly known as Guar gum. Guar seed is used for human consumption, cattle feed, medicinal purposes. It is also used for soil improvement.
Green millets are a group of highly variable small-seeded and highly grown around the world. Green Millet is widely used for human food and as well bird food. Green Millet is highly appreciated for great taste and freshness. The Green Millet is high in nutritional content and has high medicinal value.